Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wow, has it really been that long?

I started this thing when my husband left for Kuwait. I thought it would be a great way to keep a diary of life without him. Boy did I FAIL! I really didn't find the time to do any writing at all. Well I think that I am going to give it another crack. I do enjoy writing and I think if I approach it differently I will do better.
First let me just say that it has been many many months since I even signed into this thing. I had really wanted to make it a positive thing. But life was crazy and I let this go. Well I think that I have regained control over My Crazy Life, and I would love to share some wonderful things even if there aren't many people to read it. It just seems very affirming to share how wonderful God is and how he carries us through the hardest times in our lives. This time without my husband has most definitely been a challenge. I need to learn to rely on My Savior more and myself less. It is so easy to say that we have faith. It is much harder to act on that faith and know that He will carry us through no matter what. That is where I have failed. I am just not patient enough to let go and let God. He has shown me so much lately. It is just one of my many weaknesses. I am like a spoiled child sometimes. I want it now. And like many spoiled children, my Father has been patient and loving. He has shown me that I need to ask with a joyful, submissive heart. Not a spoiled, selfish heart.
The Lord is so good. My heart is full. I have so much to be thankful for and I am so blessed that I have a Heavenly Father that is patient enough to let me learn to be still and listen.
I am rambling I know. But it helps to see in words just how wonderful Christ is and how wonderful his mercy is.

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