Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, like the title said. Good thing God is in control. Life has just spiraled into something that I can't seem to put my finger on these past few weeks. Many things both good and not so good have happened keeping me from blogging. At any rate I am now back and life with hopefully return to normal. I have just told God that it is all his and thats all folks,
I will start by saying that out little bunny passed away. I am not really sure what happened. He was here and then he was gone. I thought for sure that he was past the crucial point. That is what I get for thinking.
I haven't gotten much done on the remodel. I have been fighting a terrible kidney `infection for the past few weeks. I am feeling much better. Life is getting back to normal and my homeschoolers are not very happy to be back in school. I am afraid that this year has not ben as productive as others have been. I thought that when my husband went to Kuwait I would have more time to spend with the boys on lessons. I was soooooooooooo wrong. I struggle to get anything done. There are truly not enough hours in the day.
So I have decided to spend more time in prayer and just trust. That is the only way that I am going to get through this.
More later

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First off, yes I believe you can still make it with regular yogurt -- doesn't have to be homemade.

What do you think of HWT? I looked at using it...we have a lefty here and I worry about teaching him to write well enough that we can read it :o)

sorry to hear about the bunny. I need to get online with the computer more often and not just the cell phone access. I am rather out of the loop that way.

Take care -