Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well it has been a whole year since I ventured into the blog world to document anything in our busy world. Life has been filled to bursting with both blessings and trials. This year has seen the pain of death and the thrill of starting over in a new home, in a new place. My dear hubby is still serving in the Middle East. This tour is turning out to be a very long one. 2 and 1/2 years by the time it is complete. I will breath a huge sigh of relief when at last it is over. He is soon to retire and be home with his family safely tucked in each night.
We have finally realised our dream of living out away from the hustle of town. We have moved into a beautiful 160 year old home. It is a blessing to look out each morning and watch the deer grazing in the back field. There is room for the Little's to play, the Middles to wander, and Mama to grow lots of good things to eat. We hope to spend many years loving and playing here is this amazing old home. I can only imagine those that have come before me. The joys and sorrows that this old place must have witnessed. It has certainly left a nuance of character that is like a hug on a cold day.
I do hope to start blogging again on a regular basis. Life just gets busy sometimes. But is is a great way to reflect and count the many blessings that our dear sweet Jesus has bestowed on us. I way to make sure to think about what we should be cherishing and treasuring. Our sweet Lord first and foremost. Family, friends, and the small things in life that remind us just how temporary it really all is. And the promise that we can all live on together forever in his love.
Sometimes I loose track of all that and get hampered in my walk. Things that I should just brush aside turn into huge mountains that I can't seem to get across. I can only say Thank You Lord for clearing my vision and letting me see what I need to see. Life is sweet with him in it.


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