Saturday, January 31, 2009

I am affraid I have not been able to balance everything since my husband has gone of to Kuwait, but I think I have finally gotten it all under control.
So, hopefully, I will be able to post more often. I would really like to have a journal of his time away just to look back on and remember.
Patrick called the other night to let me know that they had made it there and were hot and tired. Well, I don't know how much people watch the weather, but I live smack dab in the middle of Indiana. Also known as the North Pole. As I write the ice hanging from the gutters is pulling them off of the building. It is 6 degrees outside. I am glad he is in a place that is warm, but I am freezing. It is around 70 degrees there in the winter. I told him we would discuss it again in a few months when it is 70 here and 120 there. He said he was sorry for teasing me about being warm. I Love him anyway. We have to laugh at this time apart or it seems worse. He also told me that he may have a chance to extend and stay another 6-12 months. He was serious. I tried not to show my disapointment as we are using this money to totally get out of debt and start a homestead. If it is the Lords will that he be gone than he will give me strenght the endure it. In the mean time I am doing some home improvements and paying bills. I hope to be posting about the home improvements and such in the future.
In Christ

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